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If you love LA, the entertainment industry, Hollywood life and of course Matt LeBlanc this is the show for you. This show has great humor and also a mix of real life emotions as well. A married couple that has written a TV show concept from England are swept up by a Hollywood Studio boss to come to LA and get their show on TV.

The funny and great part of this show is getting the chance to see the madness and materialistic life of Hollywood and LA. The two British characters are very funny in their sarcasm and humor in this new world.

Matt LeBlanc does a great job in playing himself in a self deprecating way that you can laugh at him while also feeling for him too. Whether it's real or not, probably not, you get to see Joey again trying to find a way to still make a life for himself on the screen.

This show is very funny and worth watching because it mixes British humor with the LA humor too. You see the studio life from the point of view of the studio executives to the writers, creators and directors all the way too the actors. It's really funny and also interesting too.


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