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Corporate greed at the cost of millions of lives is shown in this series. Dopesick is a cross between fiction and non fiction in explaining how the United States and the world became hooked on opioids to solve their pain.

This series covers the horrific effects of opioids on innocent people and doctors that were being told lies by a corporation that only cared about their bottom line. Dopesick uniquely combines the stories of the unknowing doctors, the patients, the corporations, the law and the police all caught up in controlling this epidemic outbreak.

Watching this show after already knowing how badly these drugs have destroyed people, families, friendships and more is really hard at times. I found myself in tears or getting angry at the salespeople pushing lies that the drugs were not addictive or the corporation staff laughing and cheering the sales numbers or trying to find ways to get around the FDA and other systems even after they knew they were killing people.

This show is worth the watch so we can all learn how these things can happen and hopefully we never let them happen again.


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