Rescue Me

Rescue Me
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Rescue Me revolves around the lives of the men in a New York City firehouse, the crew of 62 Truck. Examining the fraternal nature and relationships of firefighters, the series tackles the daily drama of the life-and-death situations associated with being a firefighter, while exploring the ways the men use dark humor to protect their true emotions.

Started in 2007 and seven season have gold. One of the great TV dramas on cable TV that never made it mainstream. Lead by Denis Leary, this drama built around firefighters in New York City has the perfect mix of humor, tense, exciting fire scenes and gut wrenching emotion stories. You will find yourself laughing and one point and heartbroken in another.

Rescue Me does a spot on job of taking you right into the firehouse and you feel like you are one of the gang. There are so many great guy moments in this show when they are just messing around the house and eating a meal or something. Denis Leary's character is super cool and he get's all the girls. The scenes with his wife/ex-wife, girlfriend and kids are generally so funny.

The crew is great too. A mix of many character actors that you will totally recognize have such wonderful chemistry. It's great to see. There are also so many cameos from celebrities such as Michael J. Fox that fit right in.

This show may have ended a while ago but if you have not scene it. It's totally worth it.


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