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A young boy's life is turned upside down when he is "gifted" with the power of a superhero.

Shazam! was surprising to say the least. The DCEU Universe hasn't been amazing, and I really wasn't feeling this film before it came out. However after watching it Shazam! Is without a doubt one of the best films in the entire DCEU, and now one of my favorite superhero films ever.

The film follows Billy Batson, a newly fostered young boy in search of his mother, who instead finds unexpected superpowers and family.

This film had such a heartwarming story, and a great main character. Almost to the point where the superhero stuff just felt like icing on top. The film felt like an inspiring coming of age tale. One that really melted my heart. Our main character goes on a journey and a half, and it's a really emotional one. He doesn't start off as the most likable, but by the end there's no way you won't be rooting for him.

Asher Angel was great as Billy Batson and Zachary Levi was hilarious as Shazam. The rest of the cast was also great, and Mark Strong was a solid villain.

This was such a heartfelt film. There's a great story, I loved the main character, and it was straight up hilarious. In the end Shazam proves that the DCEU is moving in the right direction.


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