We Need to Talk About Cosby

We Need to Talk About Cosby
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Bill Cosby had it all. He really did. Comedian, TV / Movie Star, kids programming, power and everything else you can want in entertainment and in culture. Sadly, while all this was happening Bill Cosby was also a sick man with a tactical approach to drugging and rapping women for many decades.

W. Kamau Bell does a deep dive into the background of Bill Cosby's public rise to fame, fortune and power while also interviewing victims, lawyers and people that were around him over the many decades that he was tricking women into sexual activity with him while under the influence of drugs and alchohol.

Cosby was known as "America's Dad" his show the Cosby Show was the biggest show on television and literally put NBC back at the top of network television. He was married, had a large family and could do no wrong in the eyes of the public. However, this was not who he really was. For some crazy reason he had a fetish for drugging women and taking advantage of them. He would make jokes about it all the time in interviews and even in an episode of the Cosby Show.

This documentary tells the story and shows all these moments and with perspective and hindsight it is extremely upsetting to watch but also important to watch and understand too.


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