This show could not have come out at a better time. Created by Keith Knight this show features an African American cartoonist and his newfound realizations about who he is and want he wants to stand for.
Keef Knight is played by "New Girl's" Lamorne Morris so well that you can't help but see how could be the next coming of Eddie Murphy in his ability to be both funny but serious when needed. The character reminds me of Boomerang's Eddie Murphy. Keef's roommates are also fun to see and get different perspectives on their friends new thoughts on life and people.
This show is extremely unique on television. They go really into the perspective of African American people but also do it with a smart and many times funny approach. Oh, did I forget to mention the cartoonist has cartoon visions? Yeah, I know, I almost gave up the moment I saw that too. After a few episodes to you get used to it and they do it a bit less too. Ultimately you will find the cartoons quite deep too.
Keef's girlfriend is a nice addition in this cast as well to give a female perspective on Keef's perspectives.
It's a quick watch and there are only 8. If you are looking to mix it up and see Lamorne Morris play this character incredibly, give it a watch.