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Life on Wall Street is quite different for those on the top and those on the bottom. How much do you want to be on top and what are you willing to do in order to get there?

Wall Street has always had a reputation for greed, wealth, success and the drive to make the most money you possibly can. In the post 2008 world a new crop of young men and women are coming into this "Industry". This show does an incredible job of showing us many aspects of this world from inter office politics, sexual relationships with co-workers, dealing with crazy co-workers, hazing the new traders and the drive for wealth.

The first episode of the show is even directed by "Girls" creator, Lena Dunham. All the episodes of the show (8) have extremely graphic sexual and verbal communication with co-workers, clients and friends. You feel like you are right there in the mix with them.

The show focuses on about 6-8 newbies and each of there experiences trying to make it at the same firm.  Each has a different boss and that leads to competition amongst all. I stumbled on this show as it wasn't really promoted well at all. It was great and when it ended I was hoping there was already a Season 2. This is definitely a good watch.


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