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Think Mad Men meets Silence of the Lambs.  This show wasn’t something I ran to watch but after hearing from a number of different people over and over I gave it a chance.  I am quite happy I did.  Currently only two seasons of the show and that could be it.  This show gave you a great mix of the late 70’s and the advent of the “Serial Killer”.  The acting in this show is strong withJonathan Goff (Glee, Hamilton) really proving he has way more to him than musicals and his partner played by Holt McCallany as detectives that are finding a new way to solve murders. These two create an FBI team along with others that interview well known serial killers to understand why, how and what they were thinking and motivated by to do these terrible acts.  These findings start to create a better description for the type of murderer they are and therefore helps the police and FBI to solve current murders that have similar paths.  It’s really well done and the 70’s theme is perfect; from the homes, the streets, the cars, the clothes and all else makes this a true joy to watch. You are taken back to that time in a really unique way, even the plane flights with the smoking and drinking are clearly from another time period.  I absolutely loved this and was totally disappointed to hear it may not come back. Enjoy these two seasons now.


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