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Imagine if you could truly separate your work life and your personal life. I mean literally, you can sever both parts of your brain so you have no thoughts or knowledge of the other part of your life. That's the life of a person that works at Lumon and has elected to go into the severance program.

It's a really interesting topic that I think on it's face we would all think was good. It would be great to not think about work when you are not at the office. Also when you are at the office it would be great to not have any non work distraction to truly have full focus. However in this show that's not really the case. It seems your human nature always wants to know what the other side is thinking, doing and what is has. The office person wants to know more about its life outside the office. In fact, the office person is constantly wondering why their home person would even choose a "severed" life.

This show is directed by Ben Stiller and is really dark and deep. After the first few episodes you learn the vernacular and what's going on and from there you find yourself immersed in all of this life.

The final few episodes get extremely exciting as the office people begin to really question everything and decide to do something about it. The final episode of the season is the ultimate cliffhanger and you are desperately longing to know what happens next.

If you enjoy deep, dark and intense thriller / drama's this is for you. The cast is really great too.


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