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1001 cars long. Set in a post-apocalyptic frozen wasteland this train isn't stopping for anyone. Snowpiercer is based on one of my favorite movies, and luckily it lives up to it. This series was thrilling.

It's set on a train that contains the last of earth's survivors seven years after the world froze, but not everyone is happy as war brews in the tail of the train.

This series took everything I loved from the movie and expanded on it. There is a huge class discrimination theme that plays so well with the setting. I also loved the dive into the actual world of Snowpiercer. It's an interesting one filled with secrets and corruption, but my favorite part was the survival.

Everybody is trying to survive. Every character and every action is purely to survive. That makes this series feel so familiar and real in a very scary way. How many people are you willing to stab in the back to live another day? How many backs are you willing to step on to climb another level.

This takes me to Jenifer Connelly's character Melanie Cavil who I loved. She is a very deep character that is the definition of a moral question. How many people would you kill to protect the rest?

The action was also really good with some at times beautiful cinematography.

The entire series feels like two cars on a collision course, but all you can do is brace for impact. Revolution and corruption meet, the worst off meets the privileged few, and morality meets reality. Snowpiercer is a thrill ride.


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