The Legend of Korra

The Legend of Korra
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Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. The Avatar returns with a whole new adventure, but the legend has only just begun. The Legend of Korra had a huge chip on its shoulder. It had to live up to one of the greatest shows of all time in Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I think it pulled it off.

I got everything I loved from the original, and a little bit more. The Legend of Korra is very much the sequel to The Last Airbender, but it evolved in a way that made it feel different. I've always loved  it when sequels and prequels can stay true to their source material but also manage to be different, and this is exactly what The Legend of Korra did.

There's enough heart to go around and you get that unique Last Airbender comedy, but I thought the Legend of Korra was a lot more mature. Yes it is still very much a kid's show, but I thought some of the themes were a lot darker.

One of my if not my only problem with the Last Airbender was the villains, but the villains here were excellent and the show's biggest strength.

Each one represented some form of an ideology. Each one has their belief on what the world should be, and they all believe what their doing is right. That really made these characters interesting, and the conflicts that much more intriguing.

Also Korra is her own character. I love Aang as much as the next person, but I didn't want to see another version of him. Luckily that's not the case. Personality wise the two are almost polar opposites.

It has the same great action, characters, and story that you expect from the people that created The Last Airbender. However, The Legend  of Korra does more than enough to move out of its predecessor's shadow to establish itself as one of the all time greats.


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