The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead
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This show started in 2010 and is in its 11th season.  That alone should make the case that people liked this show as a major understatement.  I will say for me, it took me until this show was in Season 5 to finally get in and decide to watch.  My friends had been talking about it all the time, telling me to watch and the Internet would explode after every episode, yet I still held out.  The idea of zombies and some crazy world where dead people are walking all over the place at face value was totally unappealing for me. My personal preference is not really sci-fi and definitely not things that seem to not make any sense in reality. It’s the same reason I was late on Game of Thrones too (and of course loved it).


With all that said, I would now put TWD in the category of“classic” show of all time.  I do not take that title lightly even though with so much great content that has been created and is being created that list continues to grow.  TWD does of course have zombies and dead people walking around but that is really only a small part of what this show is really all about.  So many life themes are involved here.  Survival against all odds, good vs evil, family loss and moving on, how people come together to rebuild a new world, overcoming insane people and situations that seem insurmountable, and on and on.  The relationships between the characters and how much you really care about them as this show goes on is intense.  What adds to all of this is knowing that at any moment anyone can die for so many different reasons beyond the zombies. Over the 11 seasons the cast has changed with a number of characters maintaining.  In the last few years, major stars have moved on in one way or another.  If I were going to tell you to watch this show, which I am, seasons 1-9 are all solid and definitely worth every minute.  Enjoy this classic!


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