How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother
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Arguably the best ensemble comedy cast after Friends ended, How I MetYour Mother came strong with Neil Patrick Harris, Jason Segel, Alyson Hannigan, Cobie Smulders and Josh Radnor. This group of six had on point timing, great comedic moments, funny "inside" jokes and also heart.

Neil Patrick Harris's character Barney pretty much stole the show each week (episode). He was this hilarious womanizer with so many different code words, stories, theories and more. You really could not wait to hear what he would say next. Jason Segel and Josh Radnor were also very funny as well. Josh's character, Ted is who the story is based around and how he found the mother of his two kids that we see at the start of almost all the shows.

The ongoing question of who is the mother was really fun for most of the seasons. Ted was constantly dating women and you always wonder if that women will be the mother. They do a great job of teasing that to the audience from time to time too. Jason Segel and Alyson Hannigan are an ongoing couple and their chemistry makes it so believable. She is very funny and with him the two are just great. Cobie Smulders is the"Rachel" of this show and her and Ted are definitely the "Ross and Rachel" of this show too.

This show went for 9 seasons butI would say the first 7 were amazing. The last two not so much andI have a feeling there is a back story as to why they kept going and what happened to the writing in the last two seasons. Most of the characters were blowing up too in movies, broadway, directing and more.

HIMYM is one the top ensemble comedies of the new era and deserves the title of the "next friends" in the same way Kobe was the "Next Jordan". If you have not seen this, buckle up and enjoy, it's hilarious.


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