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Al Pacino and a cast filled with actors that you will see and say “wait he’s from…” take on the Nazi’s in the 70’s.  Yes, Nazi’s and the 70’s you read that right.  First, Al Pacino is on streaming TV!  This alone is a pretty historical moment in itself.  Amazon landed one of the world’s all-time greats.  The premise of this show is Al and a number of other survivors of the concentration camps in Germany, along with help from a number of younger members team up to rid the world of Nazi’s that are now living amongst us in the United States.  The opening scene of the show gets you immediately into the flavor of this series. There is a mix of incredibly serious WW II recreations of awful acts committed by the Nazi’s, mixed with gory retaliations and also some very strange humor.  Some of this has a realQuentin Tarantino style, Pulp Fiction to it, although as the series goes on that fades out.  It was well written and definitely kept me entertained and curious how it would end but some of acting was really over the top and many Jewish accents were tough to hear.  All in all the action and the story are worth watching.  Hunters does a good job and reminding us how awful the Jews were treated in this time period and the sick and nasty acts that were committed.  That alone is reason to watch.


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