Mad Men

Mad Men
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Arguably one of the greatest TV drama's ever created. This show has it all. Following the mysterious life of Don Draper, played by now famous John Hamm, an unknown before. Mad Men was written and created by Mathew Weiner and takes you straight from your couch, directly into the life of NY in the 60's. Every aspect of this show is spot on. The clothes, the mannerisms, the smoking, the drinking, the affairs, office romances, and much more. Over the seasons of this show they touch on so many topics from Kennedy, to the start of people realizing smoking is actually bad, to the growth of televisions in peoples homes. The cast is off the charts good here that it's just impossible to name them all. So many of the the characters and actors from this show have now gone on to successful careers leading their own shows. It's a true ensemble and they all work together as smoothly as a Broadway play. When this show was on TV weekly, it was must see TV, you could not wait to see the next episode.

Don Draper was the classic anti-hero. You love him and hate him. His pitches to clients were some of the best moments ever but then moments later he could be a terrible husband or father. You just never knew what you were going to get. The banter in the office is a total blast. This show has a Soprano-esque vibe too. It mixes business life and personal life in just the right way that you are fully engrossed in what is happening in both areas. On top of all that Don has an ongoing mysterious past life that we just don't know about.

If you have not seen this show, what have you been watching? But seriously, this is a must watch at some point in your lifetime. You will not be disappointed.


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