Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
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A little change of pace here, let's do a movie. So, I just finished Star Wars IX:  The Rise of Skywalker with my son. We have now completed all the Star Wars episodes over the last few years (even Clone Wars on Disney). Rise of Skywalker did not disappoint one bit. Tons of action scene's amazing technology, cool ships, guns, and battle scenes. The common Star Wars theme of good vs. evil and the Force vs. the Dark Side were strong in this movie.

So much to write about here but I also want to maintain the no spoiler theme as well. The movie did great justice and a nice homage to all our favorite's and especially for Princess Leia, played by Carrie Fisher, who in real life passed away before this movie was completed. They did such a touching tribute to her but in the context of the movie it was really nice to see.

Rhea, played by Daisy Ridley is a total badass. Her powers are at an all time level now and they show them off too. Her crew with Chewbacca, Fin and Poe add fun and humor to so many scenes it really takes you back to the ensemble of Luke, Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca and Lando. Of course C3PO and the other droids are fun too.

Over the course of the 9 Star Wars, let's be honest, they weren't all home runs with Episode 1 probably the worst of them all. However, when you look at them overall and the story that was told throughout it's quite amazing. The original 3 from the 80's, then the power of Episodes 2 and even more 3 with the coming of Darth Vader the Star Wars movies were back.

JJ Abrams has come in and just did a full slam dunk on this last episode. You truly got all that you wanted with a finish of this storyline. We watched this on Disney Plus which has also been a great addition to the streaming apps. Much more on that later. If you have some time and you want to watch something with your kids. Check this one out.


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