The Patient

The Patient
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What happens if you are too good at what you do that the most evil people want to take advantage of you? Steve Carrell plays a psychiatrist that finds himself in the worst possible situation with his patient.

This show is a true thriller. A well respected doctor has been taken captive by his patient. The patient, a murderer, which the doctor was unaware of, now wants the doctor to help stop him from doing any more murders. You are watching and wondering constantly how does this end, where are they going with this and how in the world will this doctor get out of this.

Steve Carrell once again proves how good of an actor he is whether it's comedy or drama, he's is just really good. The patient, played by Domhnall Gleeson, is also acted really well and you definitely fear him and his crazy temptations to kill.

This show is on Hulu and is definitely worth the watch if you like thrillers.


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