The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid's Tale
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Before I began to watch this show, I had heard people talking about it but I just didn't understand the concept. It just seemed really odd and I thought it was going to be some boring show about maids working in people's houses or something. Well, I was seriously wrong. Not many shows have made me squirm around while watching and feel so uncomfortable about what I was seeing. In this crazy world, American woman are pretty much only used for child birth and household chores. They are trapped with families that have women who cannot conceive a child on their own. There are nightly "rituals" where these poor, innocent women have to lay in a bed with the wife holding them while the man has intercourse with them. It's so strange to watch.

Also, in this new world, Canada somehow is the safe place and the US has been taken over by these people who speak in a unique and scary way. They greet each other with "Blessed be the day" and other weird phrases from hundreds of years ago. They are extremely religious and blinded by reality and human rights. The woman are tortured, manipulated and deformed in some cases by these crazy people.

This show is as intense as it gets. It combines this feeling of wanted to see what crazy thing happens next with how can this ever end. Those two emotions make for great TV and definitely for bringing you back for more. Season 4 just began and I can't even imagine where they take it at this point. This is a definite, must watch.


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