The Dropout

The Dropout
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The story of Theranos and its leader Elizabeth Holmes is the classic story of greed and a desire for power and success ahead of doing the right thing and the right way. Holmes had a great idea in concept and sold that idea to some of the largest players in the world. She raised hundreds of millions of dollars on this idea and concept. There was one big problem, it never actually worked.

Theranos and Holmes's heart was in the right place when it came to the product and the need for a product like this in the world. That is most likely why the investors were more than happy to put money in, especially when they thought the product worked. Sadly, as the investment grew and the desire to see the product work and get sold to the world Holmes and Theranos could not deliver. Eventually the jig was up and everything crumbled. As we write this review the dust still has not even settled on all of this.

This Hulu drama does a great job of giving us the perspective of all of this mainly from Holmes, played extremely well by Amanda Seyfried. Seyfried does an amazing job giving us a better understanding of the personal struggles Holmes had, her decision to change her voice to seem stronger, her inability to interact with others her age and her relationship with the much older Sunny Balwani.

Theranos story is a lesson for all entrepreneurs about what not to do. You should not be focused on how much money you want to make when you are starting a product, especially in healthcare. You can sell your idea for only so long, at some point the idea must become reality and work if you want to be successful and "change the world"


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